Birthday party.

Are going out to dinner with my hostfamily to celebrate my hostmoms birthday. She things it's an ordinary dinner that waits, but she just have to wait and see what happens....
Football Thanksgiving game.

Here is some pictures from the thanksgiving game at my school. A looot of fun!
Getting ready...!

Happy Thanksgiving.
Godmorning darlings!
Today is a day a lot of people, me included, have been waiting for. Thanks giving! My very first as well. I went to bed early yesterday so that I would have energy, because we have a lot scheduled today.


Owen J Roberts.
Today was the first day in Owen J Roberts. The new school I'm attending. It was a lot of fun. And because of the holydays it was only a halfday so we only had 4-7 th period before we could go home. It was awsome! So now I'm home eating a bagel. Later we are going to go out and eat and then go off shopping somewhere! I'm really excited for the thanksgiving holidays that is coming up now. First Thanksgiving ever! Yey!

My new school.
Pga några personliga anledningar, så har jag bytt värdfamilj. Flytten var igår så idag är min första dag på det nya stället. Jag kom precis hem från att ha besökt skolan. Wow! Den är enorm! Tror detta kan bli bra! Yey!

King of Prussia.

Just came home from a day of shopping. Unfortunatly my shoppingluck were not with me today. But I came home with a scarf and a case for my future iphone. So I'm happy anyway!

Today it's friday. Woh, what a day!
Tonight we will hopefully go a hayride with my friends and hostfamily. It will be really cozy! And saturday I'm going to King of Prussia mall with some friends! I'm really excited!
Talk to you guys later!
How can something so shallow make you so happy?


Got new penn wood Volleyboll shirts last week. Yey!

Shopping in Philly.
After school today me, my host sisters and host dad drove in to Philly to visit a store my hostsister had her eyes on. It was a millitery store that had everything you can imagen with camoflage. It was pretty cool. I ended up buying Americas flag for 10 dollars. I also bought a pare of mittens in another shop, and two magazines to complete this cozy friday night.

Our first snow.
They had predicted a storm coming today, and they were right. It was not lika a bad storm or anything, but we got winds, rain and SNOW! Yes thats right. During my American History lesson my friend suddenly shouted out "IT'S SNOWING!" It was kind of cozy exept for that I don't have a winterjacket...Time to buy one now!

Just got back from the voting-place. I'm so exited/nervous about tonight. WAH!
Summer memories.

Oh wow, pictures like this really brings back amazing memories from this past summer. Love you all!
Choir practice !
My friend is coming by and picking me up any minute now. We are off to choir practis. So excited, cause it is going to be alot of fun!
Today it is CHILLY!

Today it is chilly outside, thats for sure. I just came home from school and have changed to my warmes clothes. Unfortunatly, my packing from sweden did not consist of much warm clothes, so I deffnetly have to go winter-shopping soon if this is going to continue. I don't have so much homework today, so that feels nice. Tomorrow is our first quardely assesments though. It is a test you have in every subject of everything we have been going through the first quater. Well see how that goes...!