Tickets to prom.
Good Morning people. Any minute now I'm off to school. I have gym first period today and it's pretty cold outside, so I better bring a sweatshirt or something. They have been selling tickets to prom at lunch everyday this week, so I'm going to buy one today before it is to late. I'm so excited, prom is only two weeks away! Yey! After school today I'm getting my dress altered also. It is all coming together now...wiiie!

Sunday night music.
Dust in the wind - Kansas
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
Can't hold us - Macklemore
Clappin - Nik & Jay
Drunk - Ed Sheeran

Saturday Adventures.
So today me and my hostmom went out to run some errends. We had a lot of fun and stopped at the drafting room for lunch. I ate what was called "the warm goat cheese salad", which was amazing (as you can see on the picture below). We went to Kohls, famous footwear, ulta etc. We had a great time as usual!

Time flies.
Today is April 20th and it is only 2 weeks left to prom, 4 weeks to my spring consert and my second prom, 8 weeks left to graduation, and 10 weeks till I move back to sweden. I can't believe it is such a short time left of my year here in America. I don't think I can quite understand how fast it is going to go, and how unreal it is going to feel to go home. My gosh..

Shine bright.

Cherry Blossom Weekend.
So today I stayed home, because I didn't feel very well when I woke up. This must have been because of my crazy, but awesome weekend. Friday me and the 7ups jumped on our buss torwards D.C. When we arrived we ate lunch, had a reharsal and then headed to our Mariott hotel. Our alarm woke us up at 4 am on Saturday. After putting our dresses and make up on, we ate breakfast on the buss and went to the area where the parade were gonna take place later. We went through all of our songs with all the other dancers and preformers. It was kind of cold in the beginning, before the sun had gone up, but it got better after a wile. The parade was so much fun. We danced to three different songs. First, "Cherry Blossom Day", in the opening number. Then "ABC" by Jackson 5 and a song called "Turn the beat" in the closing number. It was so fun!!
After the parade on Saturday the buss drove us back to school, and from there we all went home. I was so happy with the trip, I had such a good time. So when I got home I took a shower, and later Mette showed up. We had a sleepover and then when we woke up on Sunday, we went to her and her boyfriends rugbygame. I had a blast.

Off to Washington D.C.

Longwood Gardens.
Today me and my hostmom first went to IKEA, which was very fun. Everytime I walk in there, it is like I'm visiting a part of sweden. It's great. In the afternoon we decided to go to Longwood gardens, which is an amazing garden filled with flowers and all kinds of trees. We have had amazing weather all weekend, so it was a great day to stay outside. For dinner we had meat with bbq sause. Perfect end of a great day!

Easter Basket.
Here is the pictures of our easterbaskets we got on easter last week! Supercute!

Cherry Blossom Parade.
Next weekend cherry blossom parade is coming up. Me and the 7 ups are gonna travle to D.C on Friday and going to participate in the parade on Saturday. I am so excited! I CAN'T WAIT!

I'M SO EXCITED! Why? Because I'm officially in 7-ups (my schools dancing and singing group) for two weeks and I'm gonna participate in the Cherry Blossom Parade. Yey! It is going to be soo much fun! I had my first practise yeterday and the cherry blossom parade is coming up NEXT weekend. So, woh, I'm excited but there is a lot to do!

West Chester.
I'm going out with Emma Austin and CJ today. We are of to west chester to visit a good thai place. Yey, I'm so excited. The food gang is doing it again...haha

The Birdies sang.
The temperature outside is rising, and my thoughts can no longer stay in the present. I'm so ready for spring and summer. And not only for the weather but also for the fashion. I have spend the last hour on pinterest, and my head is soon gonna blow up because of all inspiration. I can't wait to put those new shorts on...