My own nails are back...byebye long nails..
My dog.
Good morning! Im off to school in 10 minutes, it's cloudy, but HUMID outside. Pretty much what the weather is going to be like all week. Our pool is open now so I can't wait for the sun to warm it up a little, before it is time for my first swim. This week is only a four day school week for us, because this weekend is memorial weekend, which is a holiday in America where you remember soldiers that fought in wars. So we are off both friday and monday. Yey!
My dog says hi!

Round two #Prom
Just came home from my second prom. This one was West Chester Rustin's senior prom, and I went with another exchange student. We had a great time. It was in downtown philly, which, was so cool. The food was great and so was the music. So I had a great night.
They gave us all some nice shades to...

"Rustin Class of 2013"
Hi! I know that I have been quite bad at updating lately. Anyway, as I wrote last week, prom was on saturday. It was so much fun!! I wish I could rewind time, so I could redo it all. Haha!

So yesterday me and Emma got our nails done together. I got french manicure as I said before. Today after school me and Austin went and picked up the flowers for tomorrow. Later my hostfamily and I went out for dinner at a new place, which was really nice. I'm stuffed now though...
Tomorrow is prom. Yey! My plan is to go up in time, but still sleep so I feel energised when I wake up (we don't want those bags under our eyes, am I right?), then start with a shower, and all that jazz. After fixing all, I also need to pack a bag for postprom at Taylor's. Gosh, tomorrow is going to be such a great day.
Peace out
Tomorrow is prom. Yey! My plan is to go up in time, but still sleep so I feel energised when I wake up (we don't want those bags under our eyes, am I right?), then start with a shower, and all that jazz. After fixing all, I also need to pack a bag for postprom at Taylor's. Gosh, tomorrow is going to be such a great day.
Peace out

Wonderful Wednesday.

Today was a good and WARM day, which I won't ever complain about. I had two tests in school, but my german presentation got pushed forward to tomorrow. Prom is coming up on Saturday - WAH! So I'm trying to plan my days, so that I can get everything done till then. Tomorrow after school me and Emma are going to get our nails done. I'm gonna go for a french manicure style, with white tips, because that is a look that always work. And hopefully it will look cute with my mintgreen promdress. Gosh, I can't believe that prom is actually on saturday. So much to doooooooo.....!