Senior night!
OMG! Just came home from the funnies night in a LOOOONG time! It was our last game, it was so even all the way to the end, but we ended up losing by 2 points. We had the most amazing crowd, that were dancing everytime we scored a goal etc. Haha! But when the game was over, the party begain. All players, coaches and families went in to the other gym where tables, baloons, food etc. was. Our coach held a beautiful speach to the seniors that just had played their last volleyboll game in their high school career. It was so sad! After we all had eaten atleast 3 slizes of pizza each + chips, brownies, soda, herseys etc etc, we went up dancing. It was HILARIOUS! God, I love my team. It feels so sad that the season is over, but I will remember this for the rest of my life! LOVE !
