
Hello everyone. I just got home from the hardes practis so far. Good god I'm exausted now. Our coaches where a bit angry with us for playing a bad game on wednesday, so we had to make up for that. We have a homegame tomorrow again. I'm as exited as i use to be. I am really going to miss the volleyboll when the season is over.
Today has been a great day over all. I'm trying to change my last period on my scheduel to yearbook. So tomorrow morning I will find out if it's possible or not. So I'm hoping to be able to say good bye to chemisty tomorrow...(!)
After our practise we swung by Wawa and got some food. Wawa is like 7 Eleven. A place with fast food, ice cream and sandwiches (etc). We are very faithful costumors.

Postat av: Anonym

Håller tummarna för Yearbook! Kram mamma!

2012-09-14 @ 10:04:24
Postat av: Anonym

nina! skulle inte du snälla kunna berätta lite om hur det är att gå på high school/college? det skulle va sååå kul, är det som i alla filmer?

2012-09-15 @ 12:59:32
Postat av: Rebecca Nilsson


Vore jätteroligt om du skulle vilja vara med i tävlingen, veckans blogg.:)
Om du inte gillar sån här reklam, kan du bara ignorera det.

2012-09-16 @ 11:37:55
URL: http://rebeccahnilsson.blogg.se

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