Penn Wood High School Concert Choir.

Just got our sweaters! SO HAPPY!
Away for the weekend.
Friday afternoon I went to my friends house, and stayed there till 3 today. We have had ALOT of fun! We went to their schools fotballgame, a bandcomptition, chinese restaurant, chilling in their hot tube etc. I have not been laughing this much in a long time!

This is where we went shopping!

This is a place we ate our lunch once. They had the best sallads!

We went in to this cute record store we found. It is not so common anymore...!

The town had an old movie theater. It was really beautiful!

There were halloween decorations everywhere! Some people are really going all in!

We had a super cozy break at starbucks the night of the bandcompetition.

Oh, I love these girls!
One of the bands that compeded in the competition.

One of the bands that compeded in the competition.

The rest of the night consisted of hot tub, bonfire in the garden, marsmellows, different languages and laughter.

One of their cute dogs, Lucy!

Me and Louise went out for a morning walk with the other dog Pepper one morning. Super cozy!

We went to eat at a chinese restaurant. SO GOOD!

Me and Louise went out this morning to see the damages from the Sandy storm. It was not to bad where we were, but the storm has deffinetly caused problem in other parts of Pennsylvania.

I had a blast this weekend. Want to rewind time and do it all over again!!
Hurricane sandy.
As you may have heard on the news, there is a Hurricane coming. It is suppose to hit this area as tonight sometime I think. School is canceled tomorrow and Tuseday. So I'm still at my friends house and I'm going to stay here till Tuseday. It is so much fun! Me and Louise are so exited because none of us have ever experienced a real hurricane. So tomorrow we will stay in, all of us, watching movies, eating etc. It will be cozy!
But I'll stay in touch as soon as possible!

Homecoming dance.

At last Saturday evening was the homecoming dance. It was a kind of casual, laid back event at my school. So the dresscode was not to formal. There was one rule. Dress so you can dance.
Homecoming game.

Last saturay was both the homecoming dance, and the game. It was a lot of fun.
Musical in Philly.

This is some pictures from my wonderful friday. Me, Elaina, Chelsey, suprene, artenza and adrienne went downtown and saw the musical "Next to normal". It was so good! Before the show they gave us pizza, candy, soda etc. And after the musical we got to meet the actors. It was really nice!
Pictures from pep rally.

Off to Philly.

Soon we are leaving to go downtown and walk around in this WONDERFUL weather.
Pictures from photo shoot.
As I told you guys, last weekend me and my friend Steph had a photo shoot for her art show that is about to fit in to the sociaty's ideals. I just got some of the pictures.

Home from Homecoming.
Just got home from the Homecomingdance. It was a lot of fun. We danced till we dropped, thats for sure! Haha!

Pep Rally for 9th and 10th grade.
5th period today they called out all athleads from green ave (11th and 12th part of the high school). We all went on busses, the footballteam, cheerleaders, the tennisteam, the volleyboll team (woho) the trackteam etc. It was so much fun! They drove us to the other part of my high school that is (9th and 10th grade). It was fun! All the athleads got called out and then we ran on to the field. We did our thing, "VOLLEYBOLL, klapp klapp klapp,VOLLEYBOLL, klapp klapp klapp, and got a lot of applause. Haha! They also croned their princess and prince, and our teammate Marissa won!! Woho! The winners jumped up in a cab and waved at everyone as they slowly drove away. Haha! It was fun!

Tomorrow is pep rally, so juniors will wear blue and seniors red. I bought a blue t-shirt last weekend, that I'm spicing up a bit.

Senior night!
OMG! Just came home from the funnies night in a LOOOONG time! It was our last game, it was so even all the way to the end, but we ended up losing by 2 points. We had the most amazing crowd, that were dancing everytime we scored a goal etc. Haha! But when the game was over, the party begain. All players, coaches and families went in to the other gym where tables, baloons, food etc. was. Our coach held a beautiful speach to the seniors that just had played their last volleyboll game in their high school career. It was so sad! After we all had eaten atleast 3 slizes of pizza each + chips, brownies, soda, herseys etc etc, we went up dancing. It was HILARIOUS! God, I love my team. It feels so sad that the season is over, but I will remember this for the rest of my life! LOVE !

Spirit week: Day 2
Today, it was Gender reverse day in school. Girls were suppose to dress up like boys, and boys like girls. It was HILAROUS! People have gone all in, including my hostsister who drew a hairline, got tatoos etc. Funniest day in a long time! Tomorrow it is decades day. I'm looking forward to see if there is people who are in for it tomorrow aswell, because I have not heard so much about it.
We had our last practise today aswell. Buhu! So sad. But tomorrow is our last game agains inerburo, and after that the senior night. I'm so exited! WE WILL WIN!

Me and my hostsister this morning before school. Wazzup?

Artenza and Breonna posin'.

All the "boys" in the choir group.

This glorious day, was also the day of my friends birthday! Congratz!

In the cafeteria!

Todays winners - BEST COSTUMES!

My lunch - two sandwhiches in a bow + the YUMMIEST coockies ever!

And some pictures from the last practise.
Gender reverse day.

Yo, life is poppin' man.
Loréal B.B. Cream
Yesterday in the mall, I bought Loréals new B.B Cream. Its a foundation that is white at first, but when you apply it to your skin, it transform to a skintone color. I haven't tried it yet, so tomorrow will be the first time.

Spirit week.
The photoshoot today with Steph was so much fun. She is very artistic and there for had a lot of fun ideas for the photos. Hopefully I'll get them soon, so I can show you guys.
When Rachel came home from her first rowing race (that i unfortunatly missed!) me her and Leah went out. We drove to springfield mall, where this store where you can stuff your own animal is. It was really cute. The store is originally for children from 3-7 but it was entertaining for us aswell even though we have passed that age. Haha! The reason we went there though was not only because it was fun. No, we have "Spirit week" next week. A week when every day have a theme. The schedule for the week looks like this:

So Leah was buying clothes to her stuffed monkey that matched her clothes. So that will be her twin this monday. Haha! We also bought blue t-shirts to fridays Pep Rally when Juniors is wearing blue and seniors are wearing red. I'm so exited for this week! It is going to be crazy though! Spirit week + Last week of volleyboll + Senior night + chior rehearsals etc. So fun!
Goodmorning people!
I'm now getting ready to go over to my friends house. We are going to have a photoshoot today. She is having an artshow later this year with her photos, and she asked me to be model for her pictures. So I'm so exited! Later this afternoon, we will hopefully go shopping! I really need a lot of stuff!
Talk to you guys again soon!

Picture from New York.
It's friday.
Today has been a great day. I woke up in a good mood and the school day went by fast. I had a math, spanish and american history quiz today. I think I did ok. After school we had a game. It was fun. But the best part was that Josefine called me on my phone, and we finally got time to talk a bit. I miss her so much! Practise was over at about 6 pm. Then me artenza, adrean, breonna and anthony went directly to the aditorium where the rest of the chior was waiting. We have gotten our scripts to the musical we are going to do this spring. Woho! So exited! We ate coockies and went through the script. After that artenza was nice to drive me home. After watching Easy A on tv, I feel a bit tired. I guess I will go to bed soon bcause tomorrow it's time for new adventures..!
This is the musical we are going to do this spring. It will be so much fun!
Pictures from August & September.

Entrence of King of prussia mall.

Me in my pink room.
Today have been such a great day. It started off with me and Leah being driven to school. Then the schoolday past pretty fast, with a lot of good moments. I really love my Choir group. It is hilarious every class! Next friday we are going downtown together to see this proffesional musical, for the amazing groupprice of only 10 dollars each. It is Chelsey, a girl in the group, that have given us this awsome oppertunity. But I will tell you guys more about that, when it gets closer.
Anyway, after school we had a homegame against West town. We crushed them! Or as our motto is "Lets pinch them, squeeze them, and crusch them....In an athlethic way". Haha! It was my first game aswell so it felt awsome. And at the end they teached me the team dance aswell. I put the song + the dance futhur down so you can see.
To celebrate this me Leah and Wasyl went to Cocoo's and ordered pizza. We had a great time. Now I'm home again, and all that is on the schuedul for the night is some homework and then sleep.
One of those days.
Dagarna har börjat kännas lite längre nu när vardagen börjat ta fart. Vissa stunder är toppen, och vissa stunder ligger gråten i halsgropen när jag tänker på alla där hemma. Det är inte lätt att alltid vara stark. Och jag tror det är viktigt att ibland ge med sig, och visa sig svag. Annars kommer detta året bli ett långt år.
Vi hade match idag, Varsety vann 3 eller 4 matchen i rad nu så det kändes super. Jag skrev precis klart min essay som skall lämnas in imorgon i Engelskan. Hoppas den duger.
Nu skall jag försöka gå och lägga mig och hoppas att sömnen kan få mig på andra, lite lättare tankar. Puss !

Some pictures of my awsome volleyboll team, plus the gym of my school!
Columbus day.
Today was colombus day. Some schools in Philly had the day off, but unfortunatly not dear Penn Wood. But I guess that will even out in the end of the school year anyway so whatever. I had a good day today. It was fun coming back to school after the weekend. We have already started planing next weekend. As it looks now me, Steph and Elaina are going downtown to have a photoshoot for Stephs art exhebition! It is going to be a blast!
There is a lot going on now aswell. Next week is the spirit week, and next saturday is Homecoming. I still do not have a dress! Waaah!

Let's make the most of the night like we gonna die young.
Love the new Kesha song. Make me so HIPE!

Awsome phonecall.
Just talked to my best friend josefine on the phone! SO HAPPY. WAH!

Off to school.
The time is 6.21 am and I have about 20 minutes untill I need to go. Today JV does not have a game, which means that I will for the first time since school started take the schoolbuss home after 6th period. Wooh, a big step for humanity. Haha! But because I missed the first 2 days of this week, I have a bunch of homework to do, so it woun't be any lazy time today unfortunatly.
The time is 6.21 am and I have about 20 minutes untill I need to go. Today JV does not have a game, which means that I will for the first time since school started take the schoolbuss home after 6th period. Wooh, a big step for humanity. Haha! But because I missed the first 2 days of this week, I have a bunch of homework to do, so it woun't be any lazy time today unfortunatly.
See u guys later!

Love u guys.
Jag vill inte försöka dölja verkligheten och låtsas som att jag lever den amerikanska drömmen. För det gör jag inte. Jag lever den amerikanska vardagen. Men det är inte så dåligt det heller. Jag vill bara visa att livet rullar på här, precis som det gör i härliga sverige. Sedan jag har kommit hit har jag fått ett nytt perspektiv på saker och ting. Svergie, vilket underbart land det är! Och vilka underbara vänner och familj jag har som har gjort alla år i mitt liv så bra! När jag är här borta är det nästan som jag ser allt vad jag har i Sverige från ovan. Jag är inte där, och har inte möjligheten att vara med alla, men ni är i mina tankar hela tiden och hjälper mig att genomföra detta året. Så tack för det!
Denna veckan har so far inte varit så krävande. Jag har varit hemma från skolan Måndag och Tisdag, och idag Onsdag har vi ledigt. Jag måste fått en förkylning i helgen när vi var iväg, men det känns bättre nu så imorgon är det skola igen. Jag har mött ett litet gupp på vägen nu. Jag känner mig lite otålig och vill att saker skall hända. Detta leder till en känsla av långtråkighet hos mig ibland. Men jag måste nog bara ta ett djupt andetag och ta saker och ting lite lugnare. Jag har ju ett år på mig hallå?
Denna veckan har so far inte varit så krävande. Jag har varit hemma från skolan Måndag och Tisdag, och idag Onsdag har vi ledigt. Jag måste fått en förkylning i helgen när vi var iväg, men det känns bättre nu så imorgon är det skola igen. Jag har mött ett litet gupp på vägen nu. Jag känner mig lite otålig och vill att saker skall hända. Detta leder till en känsla av långtråkighet hos mig ibland. Men jag måste nog bara ta ett djupt andetag och ta saker och ting lite lugnare. Jag har ju ett år på mig hallå?
Hoppas ni alla mår hur bra som helst där hemma, för det är ni värda!

Colors of autum.

Hair inspiration.

I am totaly in love with this bloggers hair. I want it!